Featuring radiation applications projects from around the world. Customers include national weather services, solar farm operators integrators, scientists, researchers and renewable energy companies such as wind farm or solar farm operators.
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Smart Solar / PV Monitoring with Smart Weather Sensors
When selecting a suitable pyranometer for photovoltaic monitoring the company Solare Datensysteme GmbH decided for the Lufft WS501-UMB All-in-one weather station.
Encouraging Solar Energy in South Africa with SAURAN
Six universities from South Africa, and one each from Île de la Réunion and Botswana, are cooperating in the Southern African Universities Radiometric Network.
Energy Balance Studies in India with LAS MkII
The Indian Institute of Remote Sciences (IIRS), Dehradun in collaboration with the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi chose the Kipp & Zonen LAS MkII to conduct studies in energy balance.
Leading PV in Datong, Shanxi with 14 Solar Monitoring Stations
The first PV project in Datong, China are realized and are all monitored with Kipp & Zonen solar monitoring stations.
Novel Estimation of Albedo Using a Drone Pyranometer
Albedo is a measure of the reflectiveness of a surface. When a surface reflects solar energy, rather than absorbing it as heat, it can result in major cooling both locally and globally.