49 Stations Along the Mekong River - Cambodia - Vietnam - Laos - Thailand

The Mekong River Commission Secretariat (MRCS), is a Basin Management Organization formed through the joint-cooperation of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam. China and Myanmar are also partners with the MRCS.

The organization aims to support sustainable development and water resource management, and sharing info among the Mekong member countries. In cooperation with the World Meteorological Organization, MRC established a real-time Hydro-meteorological network, funded by the French Development Agency (AFD).

Establishment of a Reliable Hydro-meteorological Data Collection & Transmission System

The main objective of the MRC Hydro-meteorological network was to establish an efficient, reliable and timely hydro-meteorological data collection and transmission system.

The 49 network stations needed to provide near real-time water level and rainfall in 15 minute intervals over the mainstream and main tributaries of the Mekong River. 


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